Move through the booby traps

When we set off on a course of internal investigation, we meet many sides of our self we may not expect: defiance, innocence, and isolation. As we navigate our internal seas with grace, we begin to understand that everything we've internalized isn't necessarily true. Our spirit offers an alternative to our mind games.

Down the rabbit hole we go.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Alchemy of Becoming a Mom

Birthing is a shamanic journey. 

When we want to conceive we're enveloped by love.  In order to make room for more love we need to let go of beliefs about ourselves that do not fit the mother we will become.

Let me give you an example. If we experienced isolation as a child and were unable to bond with a caregiver, as we try to conceive, our psyche can go into battle with our body. Our psyche can rebel and turn the energy of our body off. Because it knows love will bring up these forgotten sensations of our youth. And that can be scary.

The feelings we haven't acknowledged effect our ability to conceive and birth. Most of us who have experienced loss as a child have created a dynamic way of being that overrides our abandonment. It can be devastating to our ego to unearth our emotional truth.

How do we make room for our emotional truth so we can allow for conception and birth? 

One mom-to-be was so engaged in caring for her entire family; mother, sisters, brother and father, that there was no room left for herself. She had been the go to person in her family since she was about 8 years old.  In her session she was able to shift her perception of responsibility for the others back to herself. She could feel this release within her low back. After 8 months of trying to conceive, she became pregnant after her next cycle. She was ready for the change.

Many of the moms I have worked with regarding conception, pregnancy and birth know what is really going on. They know what the challenge is, and it's not usually what the medical diagnoses says.

When we validate what we know is working and what isn't working it's our first step as a parent. As we acknowledge ourselves, no matter what our experience has been, this knowing can create a base of acceptance and fertility. So no matter how we bring our child into our life we have made room for them.

The anxiousness, isolation or rebellion we may have felt as children does not need to take over our ability to create a family now. But we do need to listen to what we know is true. Once we acknowledge our true feelings and give them the light of day, the alchemy begins. This alchemy is our birth, it's our shamanic journey.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I raised my vibration now I want to sleep!

"Could yesterday's class have made me physically exhausted today? I can't get off the couch!," a second year student's text read.

Yes! Sometimes we underestimate the effect energy work has on the body.

As we release past time emotions and beliefs, the weight of these ideas dissipate and our physical body registers the subtle changes. After we release, we can fill in with our essence at gold and we raise our vibration. The body gets tired as it revs itself up to match a higher vibration. Rest is an important component of energy training; when we run energy, our body may need to play catch up to our spirit.

In class yesterday I had the students look at forgiveness- their idea of it, where did the concept originate and how long has it been on the planet.  They began by looking at the energy of the human body 60,000 years ago and slowly made their way through the ages to present time.

These are some questions they asked at each time period:

What was it like to be in the body then?
What was consciousness like?
What was the earth's energy like?
Was forgiveness around as a concept?

Each student had a series of awareness's about the path of humanity, the body's genetic transformations over time, and the role forgiveness played in consciousness.

Here is my question for you: Are you using forgiveness for yourself or are you forcing it upon a situation?  Forgiveness is like grace. It doesn't come through force. When you receive forgiveness from yourself,  as a pebble in a pond, it radiates through the world. Yet it starts with you.  It also raises your vibration. So be prepared to rest.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Listen: an interview

In June I was interviewed on WOMR by Dr. Paula Sperry. We had a sweet time gabbing about energy awareness, training and readings. Take the 25 minutes to hear whether you are intrigued by this work...and if you'd like to train but live far away, I am launching a Monthly training, the first Saturday of the month. You can either make the journey for the day or join us via skype. We will begin on September 8.

More details to be posted on 8/3 at



Monday, July 2, 2012

An Actor's Prayer

I had a wonderful dialect coach when I played Lady Macbeth. She lived within Shakespeare's world for decades as an actor and dramaturg.   As we sat quietly doing text analysis at her dinner table, she listened patiently when I chewed up the text and spit it out.  The text was bitter, hard to get my mouth around, like eating a mouthful of squid. 

I was nervous.  I was playing the wife to be reckoned with in Shakespeare's Macbeth.  So many actors had left their indelible interpretation of her words and I had to make them my own. I felt the pressure to be good.

My coach leaned across our dinner plates and touched my hand.  I stopped speaking. She pressed me to not talk until I could know and feel exactly what I was saying.  She said, " the words silently, see the words in your mind, say the words in your head. Only say them aloud when you mean it."

I had been skimming the words, picking fresh ice off the pond. Her direction was incredibly simple and technical. 
As I struggled with my many tentacled lines, my white haired teacher stared at me too deep for comfort.  My lack of commitment to my own words was glaring.  Lady Macbeth was a powerhouse of loss, grief and will.  I had to push to find her outrageous drive. I had to learn to command when I spoke. 

Dinner turned into weeks of rehearsal;  I continually repeated my silent mantra, "Find what you're saying, know it, feel it."

Eventually the focus it took to speak Lady Macbeth's words became a form of prayer.  Moment by moment my attention sank into each syllable and vowel sound.  I found the weight of my character's emotional truth was carried in between consonants. The punctuation held my breath.  The words carried me if I let them.  And I spoke when my soul connected with the archetypal energies of the words.

This is what we do when we pray. 

Each prayer has it's own cadence. We read others words, willingly,  blindly at times uttering the rhythm of another until we sink into the prayer's truth. Or we begin our own prayer and with patience our inner landscape finds it way to the surface. The right words resound on our tongue.  We say what needs to be said. We ask for what we truly want. 

We can change a prayer and make it our own. Being alert to our words brings us into the present moment. Sharing a story or a prayer is a form of communion.

Here is a version of the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, Jesus' native tongue.  Make it your own. Rewrite it if you need to. Pray for what you want.  Friendship, sharing kindness, pleasure...

O Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos,
Focus your light within us- make it useful;
Create your reign of unity now-
Your one desire then acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms,
Grant what we need each day in bread and insight,
Lose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands
we hold of others guilt.
Don’t let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back,
From you in born all ruling will,
the power and the life to do,
the song that beautifies all,
from age to age it renews.
Truly- power to these statements-
may they be the ground from which all my actions grow:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What was inhibiting her from becoming a mom?

I glanced up from the work on my desk and caught a glimpse of my boss, 5 months pregnant, as she walked by my office on her way to a meeting.  As she passed me I had a visual flash of her energy body:  there was no spirit attached to the baby's body in her womb. I knew she would have a miscarriage.

Her body was pregnant. Her spirit wasn't.

A few weeks later she miscarried. This was her second IVF conception and consequent miscarriage at 5 months. 

When we create what we want, we create two times. We create as spirit and then we experience our creation coming into being on a body level.

Ten years ago as I sat at my desk, I wondered how pregnancy could happen without the spiritual agreement with a baby being?  Something was amiss.  And then an idea landed with a thud in my awareness, "She was forcing her body to be pregnant."  This was a different phenomena than the baby, mother or father deciding after conception to end their agreement.

What is it to force your body to become pregnant? We can force issues, make people do what we want. We all do this at times, use our 3rd chakra to override a situation.

But by seeing her energy body I learned that we could override our spiritual information and make our body do something our spirit doesn't want to do. We could rev up our place of personal power and make something so on a body level.

But this is short lived, as with anything forced, what our spirit wants comes back into the picture. Our spirit sets the tone for our body.

Months later I did a reading for her. The theme was "What was inhibiting her from becoming a mom?" I found words to gracefully share what her life force energy was expressing. This is a synopsis:

Her ovaries were shut down. She had experienced sexual abuse as a young girl and this part of her had not healed.  This part of her did not want to be pregnant or become a mom. This part of her wanted to be listened to and did not want to share space with a baby or give up what little listening time the adult woman offered to this child inside, her first child, herself.

Her response was flat, unaffected. Denial of her pain placed her in the only seat she saw at the table;  she would try again as soon as possible to conceive. She was in the loop of IVF and wasn't going to stop.

Soon after, I left this job. I don't know if she became a mom.

This experience was the beginning of my understanding women's journeys into pregnancy. Since then I've watched many women heal and become pregnant, allowing their pregnancy and their healing journey to become one.

We can listen to our innermost truths. We can give ourselves the room we need to receive healing from within and from others. When we give ourselves room to grieve, our pain teaches us about our needs. Once we know our needs, we can address what we want to create in our lives.

There is always room to begin to have a genuine relationship with our self, our partner and to lovingly envision the spirits we can give birth to. We can ease into what a deep love for our self can bring us.

This Fertile Life is a series of workshops for mama’s and papa’s to be who want to take an intimate look at the energetics of conceiving and the healing that happens in order to do so.  Join our workshop this Saturday.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Farting sounds and proving yourself.

The saboteur of curiosity is proving ourselves.  When we try to prove it we take ourselves so darn seriously that we don't have fun with what we do.

Here's an example of how proving it can get in our way. Meet Brett, a store manager.  He's used to being in charge.  Can you hear his keys jangling?

He's in his first healing class where the students learn how to: be senior to their healing guide, communicate with the guide and offer aura healings.

"Let's begin," I say.

Before Brett gets out of his chair I notice he goes into auto pilot. He pops out of his body and revs up his 3rd chakra, the place of personal power. As he approaches his classmate, he asks him to move his chair twice before he arrives at his side.  During the healing, Brett tells the healee everything he thinks he needs to change. And I don't notice Brett's healing guide actually doing anything!

This is when I say to my students, "OK, time to make fart sounds. And the one with the best fart sound is the most awesome healer in the room."  Laughter flits across the room like a balloon just popped. Potty humor really takes the air out of these serious moments.  I have a 3 year old, he's taught me a lot.

Oh, the responsibility! To be the perfect healer, store manager, partner! The part of him who takes charge of everyone at the store, takes over his learning space and there is no room left to explore what he is doing. He already knew exactly what was going to happen for himself and the healee. He thought he had to manage the process.

The best healings can come from first time healers because they allow, with a capitol A. They allow the healing to happen.  They don't think about it.  They don't know what to expect and that is OK.  When I was a student, teachers would jokingly fight over who could receive first from the newest students!

But Brett is not allowing himself to not know. Or to be a beginner. He just has to do the healing and he has to do it right.  I don't think he pauses for a breath until he sits down at the end.  And then he telepathically gloats that his healing is the best.

Well how-dy. The first day of healing class is always amusing.

It isn't my place to tell him he's gotten in his own way the whole time.  I ask, "Did anyone notice they were trying really hard?  Did you feel you had to do a good job?"  It is up to him to notice whether these questions pertain to him.  On the first day of class, all he can say is, "No, that was easy."

He is validated by being the one doing all the work.  This is the way he likes it. It is how he makes sure he receives attention. These are his pictures- energized pictures, solidified beliefs held in his space- and this is what he is learning about.

Over the next three months Brett thinks he is learning about becoming a great healer, until he notices he is really learning how to take the charge off of having to be perfect.  Over time he begins to know how to validate himself. He learns he doesn't have to be perfect in another's eyes in order to receive a spirit to spirit hello or love.

Healing is about listening and responding. And the first person we can to listen to is ourselves. We don't have to override our self in order to be perfect. We don't have to become what we think another person needs.

When this happens, we step on our own toes.  The instant we feel tugged into becoming super-over-achiever, deflate that high-fa-lutan thought by making a fart sound. Or at least imagine a really loud fart sound. You won't be able to take yourself so seriously. And you can start over while allowing yourself to be a part of the process.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm really curious!

Are we willing to admit to our self that we do not know something? It's an awkward feeling, not knowing.

When we learn to do a psychic reading and we find ourselves solo with our first readee,  we leave one state of mind, "Uh, I Don't Know... why Are you asking me?" and step into, "Yeah, I have no clue but I'm really curious to see what's going on, once I close my eyes."

Let me close my eyes and see. 

It is no small feat, though simple, to see and listen.  My students have been reminding me for 13 years, "It's sooo subtle but sooo powerful."  Taking this adventure into The Land of I Don't Know is what allows us to see and then know what is going on.  But it's an odd sensation at first.

In order to see, the first thing we have to do is cultivate curiosity. One of my friends would say this whenever she was in a jam, "I'm REALLY curious?!" And I love to imagine my psychic Nancy Drew Hat.

Curiosity is a psychic's best friend.  (Otherwise we end up doing the shopping list in our heads and gather no pertinent information for our self nor our readee.)  Once we have a hold of curiosity this is what happens:

1. We intend to see.
2. We see.
3. We talk about what we see.
4. We know what the heck we are seeing.

There can be a lot of waiting involved.

We close our eyes, we focus our attention on the question at hand and we wait. We wait for pictures, moving images, flashes of insight.  We sit in stillness with what we see. We are waiting for the depth of what we are looking at to unfold like a flower opening in the morning. This allows us to make sense of it. Then the reading takes off.  It gets easier. The pipe line to our own visionary experience expands. We ride these series of pictures like a wave, white knuckled, but then, we start to have fun.

Sometimes the only way to know is to talk about what we are seeing. The action of speaking puts us on top of the wave. We don't know where the vision is going to take us, but we enjoy the ride.

This is true for our life as well.  Speak your truth and see where your wave takes you.