Move through the booby traps

When we set off on a course of internal investigation, we meet many sides of our self we may not expect: defiance, innocence, and isolation. As we navigate our internal seas with grace, we begin to understand that everything we've internalized isn't necessarily true. Our spirit offers an alternative to our mind games.

Down the rabbit hole we go.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I asked God where my dildo was and he told me.

I've had beginning students say over the years, "I don't want to be psychic!"  And I giggle to myself.  I use my psychic awareness for everything;  how to honor a plant I'm about to cut to put in a tincture (singing is an amazing way), what is the quickest line at the grocery (based on the checker's growth period), and, "Where oh where, is my dildo?."

I'd been looking for weeks. Exasperated, I sat down at my kitchen table and said, "OK, God. Where is my dildo?" I got a very clear answer. And it was there. Thank you!

I had to laugh. I'd been going to the same places in my house where it usually was. Not there. I joked about asking my students to do a reading to find it.  I kept telepathically sending hellos to it. All I got was a round about.

One day, out of pure frustration with my own ineptitude to gather the information I needed, I sent my question to the highest authority on answers- not myself in that moment- and I got one.

I wasn't able to get through my own growth to find the darn thing. Sometimes you just have to ask, and it doesn't matter what the question is. Everyone needs help once and a while.

I hope you're giggling at this point. Because this is the silliest post I've done! But soooo true.

So why not use your (psychic) awareness to get your answers. Yes, ladies, it's practical. It's concrete. These tools work. These are not your woo woo psychic tools. Your awareness helps you get what you want the most in a particular moment.

Here are some concrete ways to use your tools of awareness.

- find the bathroom at a store when your 5 year old has to pee

- ask your healing guide to find something you dropped and get it back to you; and it happens

- you know which road to take without your gps

- just when you need to repair your house you receive a sizable grant to fix it up

- talk to the spirit of your baby before she's born

- you know you are going to date someone just by passing them in the hallway

- you can hand a person what they need before the ask for it

- you can teach others how to heal

- you know how to protect yourself from your boss's need to be constantly healed

- when the debby downers are about to arrive at your office, you see the energy change in advance and you leave beforehand

- you know how to create a new job

- you listen to when you need to give to yourself and it feels super

- you turn on the radio just as your favorite song comes on

- your dreamed the exact amount of the surprise check that arrives in the mail that day

- when you get a call to audition out of town, you know in advance that you're really going for another reason and he's wonderful

- you know who's calling without looking at your phone or hearing a special ring

- you see a vision of your partner cheating as if it's happening in front of you, so when he calls and says work ran late, you know a truth from a lie

- your dream warned you about your really bad day, so when it comes, you're amused

- you know the sex of your child without the ultrasound

- tonight you wish that dinner was cooked for you and a friend invites you over for a meal

- you know in advance what your next partner does for a living

- you know when love is coming into your life

- you can find your sex toys

How you have used your awareness? These are our daily miracles.

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