How often do we feel in love with our self; the feeling of fully radiating from within our sense of connection to our soul. Self love is what Gallway Kinnell talks about in his poem, St. Francis and the Sow, he writes, "For everything flowers from within of self blessing." This is the space of expanding from within. This is the God of our Heart.
All That Is, I Am, I Am Love speak to the connections between our soul and god. Self love is our connection between our own soul and who we are right now. It is our ability to give that space of All That Is, I AM, I Am Love to ourselves in the body. An action verb, a state of being, self love is our ability to receive fully who we are and bring it into the physical. When we do this peace follows, our energy settles within our body, joy is simple and present.
In the Gospel of Mary, Jesus says, "Acquire my peace within yourselves!" Jesus is in constant contact with the communication between his soul and God and he continually brings that communication within himself as a physical being and then out into his world. The universe within is who we are right here and now, then further within lives our soul and deeper inside we have God. Mother Teresa, Quan Yin, Ghandi, Jesus, they gave so much to others because they gave so much of themselves to themselves. They did not deny themselves.
Acknowledging the God of our Heart doesn't solve our life problems, we don't have all our answers; we have now, and the peace of not knowing what to do, and the peace of knowing instinctually what we need and the ability to follow that next best step for ourselves. But mostly its the ability to hear ourselves.
We start with conceptualizing self love and then dive in to the reality, the courageous reality of self love which moves throughout our thoughts, feelings, inner talk and then into actions. With the God of our heart, we are not reaching out to God, "Come and fill me"; to the other, "Come and fill me"; to a job, "Come and fill me"; we are reaching within, "Come and fill me." We are settling within our own god nature. This place is full and knows what is best for us; it is a close voice calling us home.
We are not here to become I AM, we already are that. We are here to become, as Mary says in The Gospel of Mary, divinely human, "He is calling us to become fully human." The epiphany space of I Am Love melts, into something not as overwhelming but more constant, we are called into the simplicity of giving to our self. When this has become internalized, self-fulfillment, then, we allow this feeling to expand into our world. And we become the change-maker the world asks of us now.
The cry for other has been replaced by a calm reassurance within ourselves, so that the other can stand separate from us in their own god nature. The first person we need to share our self with is our self. Allow yourself to wake up slowly in your internal garden, the god of your heart.
Excerpt from a sermon on Self Love
Unity Rhode Island
Excerpt from a sermon on Self Love
Unity Rhode Island