For many years now, All-that-is has spoken to me through junk mail. Unsolicited Teacher Resource magazines, Feild and Stream and Essence have thudded their way into my mail box with my name etched onto a glued piece of paper. As each arrived, I had the same response, "Huh?." Initially I was dumbfounded, I'd ask, "What do I need Field and Stream for? I don't hunt."
When I received the first magazine, I knew it was a sign. But the future it suggested had no ties to my present. So I noted the future poking it's head into my present and let it rest.
As each new mag presented itself, I was intrigued. These random, slightly absurd calling cards from She-who-cannot-be-named had my current address printed on the front page in tidy letters. How did she know I moved from Maryland to California to Cape Cod?
The Absolute Truth had sent me a Teacher's Resource Magazine as the first informal glossy. Three years later, I was a teacher, struggling to teach 8 year olds the finer points of theatre at a summer program in Alaska.
One fresh morning the children were hiding in the science cabinets and trash cans when I came in from the staff meeting. We had a good laugh until I could not talk one particular stubborn child out of the trash can. So I pulled the can up to the circle and the oh-stubborn-one did her morning warm-ups in there, until she fell over as she stretched.
One fresh morning the children were hiding in the science cabinets and trash cans when I came in from the staff meeting. We had a good laugh until I could not talk one particular stubborn child out of the trash can. So I pulled the can up to the circle and the oh-stubborn-one did her morning warm-ups in there, until she fell over as she stretched.
Her tumbling set me off on a 17 year series of teaching jobs. I taught all ages, but it was the youngest of my students that I learned the most from.
I had been gently led back into my childhood, as a teacher. I had to reclaim my inner and abandoned girl child who had forgotten how to play and hid from others. I needed to learn it was ok to make a mistake. And God sent me the sign through junk mail.
I had been gently led back into my childhood, as a teacher. I had to reclaim my inner and abandoned girl child who had forgotten how to play and hid from others. I needed to learn it was ok to make a mistake. And God sent me the sign through junk mail.
I never did question the Cosmic Controller, why not O, The Oprah Magazine or The Sun? I assumed she was decisive in her choices. As the supplements wound up in my post, if I was feeling stuck, I accepted my junk mail with a sense of curious dread, "Now what? Which direction am I supposed to head in, that I am obviously missing?" Why else would I receive these directional love notes?
But, I hadn't missed anything. The installments I received were spiritual hellos about my path. Hello Michelle, this is coming. Michelle, you might enjoy this, Hello. And Hello, you have some answers in this direction.
I knew I would have to decipher her messages and enjoy my future as it landed in my lap.